Laser Cutter Orientation | MAR 26


NEXT CLASS Wednesday, March 26
6.00p to 8.00p


This orientation clears you for independent access to our ULS Laser Cutters.

Do you have sheet goods you need to cut with laser repeatability? Maybe you want to engrave a photo onto glass or create parts for architectural models?

Laser cutting and engraving is an incredibly popular technology that enables you to rapidly process a wide variety of sheet materials from paper and fabric to wood, acrylic, and glass.

Our Safety and Basic Use (SBU) Orientation gets you up and running in this hot technology faster than you ever thought possible. In this 2-hour hands-on orientation you will learn how three basic operations can be leveraged into almost unlimited possibilities. You will gain the knowledge and confidence to format your digital design files, choose appropriate materials, customize material settings, set up your project on the laser bed, process materials, and troubleshoot typical issues. You will finish this class prepared to independently run the laser cutter smoothly and safely.

There are no other prerequisites for this orientation. To register, click on the next available date (highlighted in green below) and check out through the shopping cart.


INSTRUCTOR // David Voetmann

David, a lifelong designer and maker, spent his childhood in Africa. This formative experience instilled a conviction that it’s better to create your own solutions than to wait around hoping someone else will solve your problems. To this end, he earned a BFA in Industrial Design at the University of Washington. This study deepened an enduring conviction that solving problems and making things is deeply coded into our humanity. Over the last few years he has explored the transformation of our economy as new technologies begin to democratize opportunity. He now runs The Facility Makerspace where ordinary people with extraordinary ideas gain access to an 11,000sf sandbox for innovation with all the tools, training, and community people need to turn thoughts into things. He still believes that, while technology is great, we need to focus on solutions not tools.

David lives in Shoreline with his wife Ruth.


Laser cutters offer amazing capabilities with very low barrier to entry. If you can produce artwork in a graphics program like Illustrator or CorelDRAW, you can send that file to a laser cutter almost as easily as sending to a laser printer. This ease of use has made this equipment the most popular piece of equipment in makerspaces worldwide. Whether you are cutting parts for a model or creating signage or etching custom artwork on an existing product, the ability to operate a laser cutter will open up almost endless possibilities for our creative output.

Our laser cutters can use either CO2 or Fiber Laser and CNC technology to vector process geometry or raster process images in your design. In this 2-hour class, you will learn how these two operations enable you to create an amazing variety of projects. You will walk away with the ability to safely process appropriate material and produce your own projects on our ULS Laser Cutters.

After a short classroom introduction, this orientation moves to the Rapid Proto Lab where your instructor will explain how the equipment works, familiarize you with essential terminology, discuss safety restriction, clarify acceptable material options, and demonstrate appropriate equipment operation. You will learn how to set up appropriate material and run essential operations including vector cutting, vector marking, and raster engraving. You will develop a working understanding of the benefits and limitations of this tool so you can design to this process. Your instructor will cover best practices including how to set up your work and reset equipment to original conditions for the next user. Along the way you will gain the knowledge and confidence to process appropriate material safely and troubleshoot typical issues.

This is a hands-on training. You will have time during class to create a finished object to your instructor’s specification that demonstrates your understanding of the process and your ability to safely operate this equipment.

Pass this orientation, or a checkout, and you’ll walk away with access privileges to independently operate our ULS Laser Cutters. This class is also a prerequisite for upcoming advanced classes like our Rotary Attachment Intensive.

• ULS Laser Cutters

• CorelDRAW

If this is your first class at The Facility please arrive 15 minutes early for a short safety briefing and some paperwork.

Orientations start promptly at 6.00p.

This Orientation prepares you to safely perform basic operations on supported equipment. It is not intended to cover design concepts or comprehensive operation of this equipment. If you are interested in learning more about design or advanced equipment operation look for additional upcoming classes.

SBU Orientations at The Facility are open to anyone over 18 years old. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to others. Minimum enrollment of 3 people is required to hold the orientation.


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